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The 8 Misconceptions About WordPress You Should Get Rid Of

Misconceptions About WordPress

We are very well familiar with the well-known fact that WordPress is an excellent platform to build blogs. It’s a very useful Content Management System that yields best results in terms of web development and blogging. However, there are some biggest misconceptions about WordPress which are prevailing in the web world. These misconceptions are creating wrong impression about WordPress. Below are the 10 biggest misconceptions about WordPress you should be aware of.

WordPress is only used for Blogging

VWThemes website built on WordPress

VWThemes website built on WordPress

Of course, WordPress was built as a blogging platform but, over the time, it has developed into a giant web development platform. Now, it has come out to be an amazing CMS and almost 25% of the web world is ruled by it. And we cannot say that the available websites are only made for blogs or diaries. There are ample of websites based on WordPress incorporated with excellent CMS features. There are many big names such as CNN, Sony, Mozilla that runs on WordPress. And we know that these sites are catching a lot of traffic. So, WordPress is only used for blogging is one of the biggest misconceptions about WordPress.

It’s an insecure platform

There can be possibilities of threat caused by the hackers in almost any software. So, WordPress can also get exploited by hackers. Being a well-known platform, WordPress is prone to such threats and timely attacks. The massive WordPress community is paying ample of contributions towards making WordPress the most secure CMS. With every update, better features and enhanced security gets added to WordPress. Even there are certain security plugins available that strengthen WordPress security in the long run. However, it’s up to you what measures you take to keep your WordPress site safe. You need to update your site, theme, and plugins on a regular basis.

Poor WordPress Support

WordPress Support
User-friendly WordPress Support

WordPress doesn’t have a single owner or a small group of owners, and it doesn’t impose charges for its use. So, people believe that when they encounter issues with WordPress, they find themselves in a bind. This, once again, contributes to the list of misconceptions about WordPress. The vast community of WordPress has professional designers, developers, programmers, blog writers, support executives, and many others. They have given their best to bring before us the best CMS – WordPress. WordPress has a very active and user-friendly support forum who is ever ready to solve your WordPress related issues and queries.

It is not scalable

Mostly, people raise questions regarding the scalability of WordPress. People have doubts whether their WordPress website will perform good or not on the arrival of heavy traffic. They are concerned about the impact of heavy traffic on the features of their site. They fear that WordPress will crumble in the case of traffic spike on their site. So, this is yet one of the common misconceptions about WordPress that is prevailing among people. WordPress has got nothing to do if your site slows down due to increased load, but, it’s your web host that comes into the picture in such a case. If you have sufficient server resources, this CMS will provide complete support to your site irrespective of the amount of traffic your site gathers.

WordPress sites aren’t responsive

Mobile Responsive Website
Mobile Responsive Website

Mobile responsiveness is an important feature which should be implemented on almost every website. How is your WordPress website going to appear on different mobile screens? Your website will appear best on handheld devices if it’s built on a responsive WordPress theme. There are many theme shops that offer a variety of completely mobile-friendly WordPress themes. Also, there are some WordPress mobile plugins available that aids in building a mobile-friendly version of your WordPress website. The WordPress CMS goes hand in hand with the technological advancements to come out to be the strongest CMS.

WordPress has no guarantee

There is a misconception that since WordPress is free, it may disappear anytime. We know that the massive WordPress community comprises of skilled WordPress developers. There are numerous businesses running on WordPress. Most of these firms are giving their active participation in WordPress community. This CMS is not maintained by a single person, but a whole big group of professionals all across the world. So, there are no chances for it to disappear. WordPress has a wide future.

WordPress is not for E-commerce sites

VW Themes Shop page

E-commerce Website

WordPress is a versatile platform. People hardly imagined that WordPress could be used to build E-commerce sites earlier. However, now this barrier has been broken. WordPress now supports numerous e-commerce plugins, making the task of building e-commerce stores very easy. WordPress offers easy set up of online shops. There are many other CMSs particularly dedicated for e-commerce sites. However, they cannot beat WordPress CMS.

Slow WordPress Websites

Earlier, people constructed websites with just enough HTML pages, some form of graphics, and CSS. However, advancements in technologies have infused websites with additional functionality.Thus, the size of websites has grown. There are people who believe that WordPress is responsible for slowing down their server. This is completely false. Nowadays, semantic XHTML and top quality web standards are used to setup WordPress. Usually, the hosting providers who offer poor services and uses the same server to host different websites contribute in slowing down the websites. So, see that you are selecting the best WordPress hosting as well as reliable plugins if you want to give the best user experience.

Final thoughts

These are the 8 biggest misconceptions about WordPress that people need to get rid of. We hope that this article will help people who have such false views about WordPress. You can drop us a line if you have any myth about WordPress. We’d love to tell you the usefulness of WordPress. To help you out regarding WordPress web development, we offer a variety of Premium WordPress Themes. Take advantage of our professionally built WordPress themes and see the results yourself.

Today, the majority of the websites are WordPress built. However, there are a few but major misconceptions regarding WordPress. These misconceptions are regarding its security, utility for multiple types of websites, responsiveness, slow speed, etc. In this article, we have tried to clear all these misconceptions. VWThemes uses WordPress to build amazing and responsive themes that have excellent support, incredible scalability, and fast loading speed. All these themes are a part of this WordPress Theme Bundle. If you still have a doubt regarding WordPress, try our themes and get all your doubts cleared.